Welcome to AV Tack, We Are an Online and Retail Horse Tack Store in Evansville, Wyoming, Serving Casper, Mills, Glenrock, Douglas, and Shipping around the World. EVERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AND RIDER including English and Western Tack, Roping Supplies, Pack, Hunting and Trail Riding Gear, Ranch Supplies, Bridles, Saddles, Halters, Saddle Pads, Jumps, Supplements, Show Clothing and Show Tack. AV Tack proudly offers the best brands from Marcel Toulouse, Henri De Rivel, Professional's Choice, JPC Equestrian, Classic Equine, Tuffrider, Roper, Wrangler, Ariat, Weaver, Billy Cook, Burlingham Sports, Kensington, and Baffin Winter Boots, Just to name a few. If you don't see it on our web site, we probably have it in the store. Please call or email for prices and availability on anything you don't see listed. FREE SHIPPING ON CONTINENTAL US ORDERS OVER $150.00. Select "Ground" as your shipping method then enter " fbfreeshipping " in the coupon box at checkout.
Mill Creek Sculptures

For Mill Creek Studios, creating art is not just a business enterprise, but also a journey into imagination and expression that seeks to create a dialogue between artist and viewer; an image someone can take with them that will at some point evoke memories and emotions that are meaningful.
Mill Creek Studios seeks to be a company who not only demonstrates, but also communicates Beauty, Inspiration, Integrity, Truth, and Quality, in and through the art we produce.
 $28.95 |  $52.95 |
5 Coal Shadow Road Evansville, Wyoming 82636
Store: WY 307-237-4889 Fax: WY 307-232-9954
email: admin@avtack.com